Have you tried out our ballroom dancing classes yet? Tuesday and Thursday evenings from 7:30 to 8:30 the Summit is the place to be for dancing fun and exercise! The month of October the classes will concentrate on East Coast Swing, November will be Waltz and the month of December will be a combo of Salsa, Swing and Waltz. No partner is necessary and these classes are free to Summit members. Come on in for some fun and we'll see you at the Summit!!
Are you aware that KRMC is awash in cell phone tower radiation? Devra Davis from the Environmental Health Trust is out with a new book about the dangers of exposure to cell tower radiation, cell phones and wireless devices. You can learn more about her research here: http://www.environmentalhealthtrust.org/
ReplyDeleteHere are the maps that show 39 towers, 4 future towers and 220 antennae in the immediate vicinity of KRMC. This can't be good for health practitioners, patients and the general public.
Towers: http://www.antennasearch.com/sitestart.asp?sourcepagename=reportviewer2&prevsessionidnum=229042690&prevordernum=1&previtemnum=1§ionname=towerreview&pagename=towerreview&pagenum=1&cmdrequest=pagehandler
Antennae: http://www.antennasearch.com/sitestart.asp?sourcepagename=reportviewer2&prevsessionidnum=229042690&prevordernum=1&previtemnum=1§ionname=txreview&pagename=txreview&pagenum=1&cmdrequest=pagehandler
It's time to be informed about the microwave radiation in your area.
Thank you.