You asked for it, you got it!! Earlier hours on Saturdays, yeah!!! Saturday, September 11th we will be opening at 7:00am, so our Saturday hours will be, 7:00am until 9:00pm. This extra hour gives you a jump start on your day for your hiking, skiing, football watching or shopping. Get out there and enjoy the Autumn colors that are soon to come, and we'll see you at the Summit!!
Have you seen our new machines yet?? We have 6 Precor AMT (Adaptive Motion Trainer) and if you haven't tried these out yet you really need to check these out! The AMT adapts to your natural movement allowing you to walk, run, do short strides, long strides and deep lunges on the fly. It is a zero impact workout that works not only your body but your imagination. The sky is the limit on this workout. If you need any assistance with the new machines, let us know and we will get you straightened out and on your way to your new fitness program.
Just so you know! The pools will be closed starting the evening of Aug 27. Therapy Pool will be closed starting at 5:00pm and the multi-use pool and the spa will be closed at 9:00pm. Both pools will reopen on Tuesday, September 7th at 5:00am. I have had a lot of people ask me about the facility being closed during that time, the answer is NO. We will be open, the only day we will be closed is Monday, September 6th for Labor Day. We will be open and there are a lot of other things you can be doing. This is a perfect opportunity to try some of our classes, check out the cardio machines, do some weights--shake up the routine a little bit!!
Back to school time is right around the corner, like next week. Yikes!! The Interlake has a section on Back to School in todays edition with a lot of great information. Most of it is pretty basic commonsense information but it never hurts to have the basics reinforced. Getting the proper amount of rest is critical as is good nutrition. Make sure your children are eating their fruits and veggies, and getting all their vitamins and minerals. Good nutrition combined with proper rest help to build a good immune system and go a long way towards preventing illness. While we're at it, let's not forget the importance of exercise! It is so important to keep those little bodies moving and active. It will keep their energy levels up, their caloric intake in check and also help keep their immune system strong. Get your back to school shopping done, don't forget the healthy snacks and have a great day!
Well, here it is vacation is over, I had a wonderful relaxing week off. Did some fishing, played in my garden, visited my mom. My brother-in-law and his wife came to visit and we had a great time. Now it's back to reality.
It's that time again. This Thursday, August 4th from 7:00am to 10:00am we will have our monthly cholesterol screening. The cost is $25.00 for a full screening, LDL HDL glucose, ratio etc...$15.00 for LDL and HDL and $10.00 for general cholesterol. You do need to fast 12 hours prior to coming in and that means no coffee, too! Ouch!! You will survive, trust me. This is a walk in clinic with no appointment needed. Keep track of that cholesterol, monitor your progress and have a great day! See ya Thursday.